Are you tired of having a subpar and bland flooring system? Looking to add a little sprinkle to your life and the environment around you? Than look no more. Metallic epoxy flooring service will blow you away. Take designing and beauty into your own hands and craft a masterpiece to last you for 20-30 years with little to no maintenance. Treat yourself to unlimited customization and design options.
While these are just some of the reasons you should make the change to epoxy flooring, there are countless benefits that come along with the transition. Sound interesting? Throughout the page discover what metallic epoxy flooring can do for you!
Learn more about our epoxy flooring services. CONTACT US for a FREE ESTIMATE.
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    The most customizable flooring system to date
    Common uses for Epoxy Flooring
    Epoxy flooring has been around for decades and is used for many locations. Below are a composed list of uses that prove to be quite beneficial:
    • Warehouses
    • Doctors Offices
    • Manufacturing Facilities
    • Malls and shopping centers
    • Garages and car shops
    • Airplane hangers
    • Dwelling Areas
    • Processing Plants
    Metallic Epoxy

    Why you should make the change

    Use Epoxy Flooring
    Some dazzling features of metallic epoxy flooring
    For years epoxy flooring has been the leading flooring system when it comes to design and customization. Metallic epoxy allows you to take your designs to an entirely other level. This special additive allows you to create extremely in depth design. Transform your current epoxy floor or concrete into a floor that will shatter what you thought was possible. Metallic epoxy mixes into the floor creating a 3 dimensional effect. Allowing you to create a piece of art. This flooring system allows you to alter countless color options and mixtures From rainforests to streams and fish flowing in patterns across your floor. Or if you simply would like to brand your floor and represent your company. These are just a few of the infinite possibilities of what you can create. Anything is possible with this innovative flooring system.
    Bring your imagination to life
    Give us a call for a free quote!
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    Metallic Epoxy Applications

    Offered In Riverside

    When it comes to business you don’t become the top rated and most reliable company from putting out poor work quality. Our team is comprised of professionals with decades of experience. Ready to tackle any given task at any given moment.
    metallic epoxy garage floor

    Garage Flooring

    Just sweep and mop as needed; no special products necessary and no cracks for dirt to hide. Spills are even isolated on the surface for easy cleanup.
    Epoxy flooring is 300 percent brighter and more durable than your stand concrete flooring. Metallic epoxy does not compromise the integrity of the flooring. You get the same strength as you would with standard epoxy. The flooring system that will never give up on you.
    Metallic Epoxy Riverside

    Metallic Epoxy

    Listed below is some mind boggling metallic epoxy facts.
    Metallic epoxy give you the ability to completely bring your flooring system to life. Create exotic effects that are guaranteed to last you a minimum of 20 plus years with little to no maintenance. Metallic epoxy is dust resistant, stain resistant, decorative and attractive, waterproof and puts an end to dampness and mildew. Ideal for all of your abusive tasks you may be needing to put your floor under. Experience the metallic flows and lava flow designs. This flooring system can even emit a pearlescent appearance as well. All while maintaining the same level of strength.
    metallic epoxy floor coating

    Commercial Metallic Epoxy

    Benefits of choosing a metallic epoxy flooring for your company.
    When it comes to flooring in the commercial side. It’s important to provide your staff and customers a flooring system designed from the ground up to provide: safety, durability, beauty and much more. Designs in your floor can make all the difference when it comes to landing that first impression. Considering we live in a very instant gratification type society this could very well be your key to success. “Wow” your customers and employees on a personal level with a flooring system to bring your company to life. Epoxy has a resistance rating of 25,000 PSI compared to standard concrete of 3.500 PSI.
    Metallic epoxy floor system

    Maintaining Metallic Epoxy

    Everything you need to know about maintaining metallic epoxy.
    Metallic epoxy can be cleaned and maintained by using a scrubber. No more back breaking hours of buffing. Since metallic epoxy flooring is highly resistant to water leaks, cleaning your floors with a hose and squeegee is no issue. The flooring system mops up quite easily and can be swept clean with a soft bristled broom. Harsh chemicals are not needed to clean this type of flooring. Almost all cleaning can be done with hot water and with the use of a soft scrub brush.
    metallic epoxy floor coating 1

    Basement Metallic Epoxy Flooring

    Turn your basement into a masterpiece.
    Most of us use our basement for storage and can tend to just forget about if after that. With metallic epoxy flooring you can turn your basement into a habitable addition to your residence. Say goodbye to your old dusty, damp and filthy basement floors. Installing a dust free and water resistant floor can make all the difference when it comes to your basement. While providing your basement with a floor thats 300% brighter than the concrete slab that’s currently installed. You’ll find yourself wanting to spend time in an area that’s commonly left deserted. In addition you’ll add value to your property.
    Leading contractors when it comes to design and innovation
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